I thought I would just let people know that Paula's monument has been erected this past week at Beechwood Cemetary. I've included a picture for those who may not ever make it there. If you would like to visit the cemetary, it is located about four rows in on the south side of the road across from the about the middle of the Military cemetary (near the sign for section #110). The text on the bottom reads "What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God", a verse from the Old Testament prophet Micah, words that Paula strove to to live up to and to inspire in all those around her. I went back for the first time in a long time. It was very difficult, but it was helpful to have something substantial there to honour Paula instead of just a patch of grass. Micah and I are doing alright, I suppose. Micah is thriving.. growing, learning, running, walking, talking. We have good people surrounding us, nonetheless, I am unavoidably lonely.

How difficult this continues to be. We pray for God's continuing hand on you and that you may see God in those around you as a source of courage and strength.
You continue to be in our thoughts. We will pray for both you and Micah as you move into the "holiday" season. Someday, God will make all things new - and there will be no more sorrow. The "babe in the manger" is just the beginning...
Strength to you, Darren. One day at a time.
Ralph and Sara (DeJonge) Pot
Lamentations 3:19-23
Continuing to think of you and Micah. Thank you for your posting. Hang in there.
Since the day I have heard about your tragic loss I have held you and your son in my prayers. I am at a loss for words because I can not imagine your pain. Please know that even thousands of miles away people have you in their prayers.
God bless you, Darren and Micah. We keep asking for Him to supply your every need, and we will continue to do so in the face of whatever may come. Hang in there!
Bill & Susan Fledderus
Hi Darren and Micah, thanks for continuing to share your journey with us. Thinking of you and your little guy often, and wishing you strength to continue. Blessings, Terry and Yvonne Veldboom
What a powerful monument of someone so special to you, micah and all those who paula impacted.
May He come again to fulfill paula's dream.
Darren you are a brave, courageous man who is the perfect role model for Micah.
Nate Siebenga
Darren- you and Micah continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
hi darren and micah.It was nice 2 see the headstone for Paulas grave. Even though i probably will never make it over although i would love 2, its nice 2 know that when u do go 2 visit u have something there and that u know it will always be a very special place 4 the 2 of you. I know that she cant come back but she is always watching over u and you will always have those special memories that will be with u for ever. Time passes and it doesnt get any easier but it will pass eventually. Look 2 the future even though its hard at the moment and always remember the people that u have in ur life that will be with u through the hard times and the good times that will come.
Darren and Micah,
Although I never knew Paula, I can tell from your words that she was an incredibly beautiful woman, inside and out. May God give you the strength to continue on without her. Often in my thoughts and prayers, Michelle Eggink-Prinzen and family
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