The great thing about living in Ottawa is that, if the weather is right, winter can be fantastic. Today I woke up to a bright sunny blue sky and a forcast for about -5 degrees: the perfect winter day. Micah and I spent the morning skating on the Rideau Canal skateway. We skated the entire length (in both directions). Or rather, I skated and pushed him in the stroller. After lunch, while Micah napped (for three hours!), my friend Jonathan and I went cross-

country skiing in Gatineau Park. This is one my favourite things to do. Skiing through a silent, still forest is so peaceful. I spent most of the day thinking about Paula. About how we had wanted to instill in our children a love of recreation and the outdoors. About how we had hoped to grow old together and be like the fit Swiss septagenerians that would pass us when we were hiking in the Alps. I miss her so much, but know that she is proud that Micah and I continue to do things we loved.

Do they still have the ice sculptures on the canal? I remember my childhood days in Ottawa, and the favourite parts were hiking in the Gatineau Hills and skating around the ice sculptures.
Keep doing those things that make life worth living - recreation, a love for the outdoors. Forgive me for sounding hokey, but you seem like a wonderful father... amidst the sorrow, you are giving your son great memories (either through photo, remembered experience, or story).
Much strength to you for the coming weeks.
Sara (and Ralph) Pot
Hi Darren, you don't know me but I knew your sweet Paula. I just wanted you to know that I think of Paula everyday. I still can't believe she is gone. I drive down Prince of Wales quite frequently and I shed tears when I pass the accident site. I think of you and Micah and wonder how terribly hard this has been for you. I am glad you have found the strength to move forward with Micah. You are an amazing father. Know that there are many of us who pray for you. May you have peace in your upcoming journey.
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