I must admit that I faced Paula's birthday on Saturday with a great deal of trepidation. I didn't know how to mark this day. Part of me wanted to celebrate her life, but another part didn't want to face the pain of what I have lost. Part of me wanted to just not do anything at all, but this would not honour Paula. Part of me wanted to just be alone. Part of me wanted to be with people so that I wouldn't be alone.After breakfast, I got our bike and bike trailer out of the basement, pumped up the tires, and Micah and I set out for a long bike ride along the canal and river to the cemetary. We were blessed with a warm sunny day. We spent an hour at Paula's grave. I was expecting it to be very somber, but Micah was full of exuberance. This was a gift to me.
As Micah napped in the afternoon, I poured through photo albums of my life with Paula. It brought back many happy memories, but again, great sadness at the depth of our loss. We miss her so much. In the evening we had a small gathering of friends and had a barbeque. Afterwards, my brother and sister-in-law took me out for a beer.
Thank you to all who called or sent me an email to encourage me on this difficult day.
Today, Micah and I went out biking after supper to a waterfall, gushing with the spring thaw. Micah was in awe, as was I.

I love this kid. I miss his mother.
Just like you Darren. I didn't want to face or deal with Paula's Birhday this year. A Birthday celebration without Paula couldn't be a celebrtion. Paula always loved to celebrate and,have fun.We did an awful lot of celebrating and,always as a family,with our many friends,where we used to live,before we moved to Vancouver. Paula grew up with a lot of love, all of our friends loved our two children and,they both loved all of our friends,they had no other family in Canada,so they made our friends,who we had met in Church, there family.We used to all cross country ski every Sun and,get together afterwards for pot luck suppers,in each others home. We always had lots of fun. Paula had the gift of making any celebration into something,none of us could ever forget.I can see that gift in Micah also and,when I look into his beautiful face and eyes,I can see Paula in him.I am back in Ireland now and, spent the past four days in bed,burning up with a very high fever and the worst cough I ever had,we had to call in a doctor on Sunday morning and almost got sent into hospital with a very severe respitory/chest infection.While in bed I talked to Paula,about all of the things she did and said,over the years that made our lives a joy.I cried a lot also,because I miss her more than any words can express,she was always so full of life and,it is hard to believe she is gone from us.I prayed lots for you Darren and Micah and it is Paula,working through Micah,that helps you along this lonely path everyday Darren.I want to share a celebration we had when Paula was 8 years old. We became Canadian citizens and, our priest,who is now in Pefferlaw prayed for us at Sunday Mass,the day before we got our citizenship, he was also our friend and,loved to celebrate with us and,our other friends,which we all did the following Sunday. Immediately after we prayed before supper, Paula asked me,with all our friends listening to her. "Mammy What did the Queen of England do wrong." I asked her why she asked me that question and,nobody expected the answer she gave to me. "Well she must have done something that was really bad, because Father Jim prayed for us at Mass last Sunday when we were Irish and the next day when we went to be made Canadians,all the people in the hall with us,where asked to say or sing "God save the Queen." We laughted all that evening. The next Sunday everyone at Church heard that story and, we have heard it was told again, the Sunday after Paula left us,by one of our friends. That celebration always cheers me up and,I hope it will do the same, for everyone that knew our Cherished daughter Paula,everyday they celebrate or feel sad and lonely,especially you Darren and, Micah,when he is old enough to understand what happened,that took his Beautiful Mom away from him. We have so many stories to share with you in the years to come Micah. We love you both very much and,look forward to having you both with us,next month in Vancouver. love to all from,June
If a picture is worth a thousand words...the pic of Micah at the cemetary is that pic.
Darren, you and Micah and Paula continue to be in our thoughts and prayers....
With very much love Victoria and Al x
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