Today Micah turned two. He is happy, healthy, and a great kid all around. For this I am very thankful.

(I look at these photos of Micah and I with photos of Paula just beside and below us. What a happy looking family... except Paula is not and will not be in any of these pictures any more)
I still check your blog regularly and pray for you - as I'm sure many others do too. I pray that God will comfort and sustain you as only he can as you try to navigate life without Paula. Reading about your loss makes me long for the day that our Lord will return and redeem this broken world - and reunite us with all those we've loved who have gone home already....
- a sister in Christ
Happy Birthday Micah, and continued strength for you Darren. Thank you for sharing the pictures. As someone who never met Paula, we get but a glimpse of the person she was, and can see her glimmer in Micah's smile. With love, the Veldbooms
Happy 2nd Birthday Micah! Your pics of you with your son, and the ones below of Paula are very touching, May God bless you on your journey as you begin a new life in Hamilton, we still pray for you and Micah,
Gosh, Micah is so adorable. It's hard to believe he is two already. I remember meeting him when he was an infant. Paula was such a proud, glowing mommy. I still miss her so much. I went to visit her gravesite at Beechwood and just sat and cried. She was so loved by those around her. I send my prayers,
a colleague
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