Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yesterday, the man who caused the accident in which Paula was killed pleaded guilty in court to careless driving. This charge is very different than the original criminal charges of dangerous driving causing death and dangerous driving causing bodily harm. There was something written up in the Ottawa Citizen today about it (click here and here).

Essentially, the crown attorneys felt that the "dangerous driving" part of the charges could not be proven, given the circumstances of the accident. What the Ottawa Citizen article does not say is that there was a Supreme Court decision in February 2008 that changed the understanding of the law such that the consequences of the accident (death and injury) do not factor into determining whether or not the driving was dangerous (click here for a bit of an explanation).

It doesn't seem fair. But what would be fair and just? Really, how could the justice system ever make up for the fact that Paula is dead, that I am left without a wife, Micah without a mother, her parents without a daughter, our friends without such an amazing friend? Over that past 16 months I had not put much expectation and hope into the results of these charges. What would it change for me? My journey through my grief and loss doesn't depend on what the courts do. Don't get me wrong, I am still angry and disappointed about this, but I am not willing to let this disappointment lead to bitterness and despair.


Cindy Smith, Editor, Education for the Driving Masses said...

Hi Darren
I covered your wife's case today on my blog.

First, I want to express that no, this is NOT fair. And I am very angry. For you. For your in-laws. For your son.

I am also the co-founder of The HEART Group and we added your wife's story to our website (if that is ok).

Please don't hesitate to contact me.
There are other families in your shoes.
Changes are needed.
These were people. These were lives.
They had value. More than money.

A fine? A fine is a slap in the face.
Never mind justice, what happened to punishment in this country?

I'm so terribly sorry this case went the way it did. It's a travesty.

From my heart

Anonymous said...

That headline - "Truck driver fined $1,000 in fatal crash" - makes me feel ill. It seems ridiculously unfair.

But you're right. What would be fair, short of having Paula returned?

Anonymous said...

Your attitude will never cease to amaze and inspire me, Darren. God still shines through you to me even though you are so far away! You are right, no sentence would bring her back, but its hard to have peace about that. Keep on keeping on Darren.We still all pray and think of you often. Much love. Alice. X

Anonymous said...

I just found this out today...Oct 4th. I read it all a couple of hours ago and it's taken me until now to come back and type a comment because I was quite upset and in shock I guess.

I'm glad that you *are not willing to let this disappointment lead to bitterness and despair*. You are a very strong person. I guess this entire ordeal has forced you to become a strong person for yourself and Micah.

Personally, I find this news extremely upsetting. I've been asking myself if they think Paula's life is worth only $1000? That sickens me. I hadn't seen Paula in a long time before she passed, but I know what a special and unique person she was. To only give Roger Chevalier a fine of $1000 for taking her life away is ABSURD. What he did was wrong, she died, he needs to be punished JUSTLY.

I am so sorry for you, Micah, Gerry, June, Stephen and most of all Paula. Her life was INVALUABLE.

Brenda Langford (Kempf)