Monday, November 19, 2007


Micah and I have recently returned from a trip to Vancouver to visit Paula's parents and our friends that still live in the area. It was a good trip, but a hard trip for me to do on my own. It was strange to be with Paula's parents and with our friends without her. So much was missing.


Anonymous said...


It was strange to see you without Paula, but wonderful to see you and gorgeous little Micah


Anonymous said...

Darren: Thank you so much for sharing in this way. I have been moved, and reminded again not let death win. Peace and Love Eric L

Anonymous said...

We stood in Vancouver airport waiting for you both to appear through the crowd, all the while thinking Paula won't be with them. It was nice that you came out through a back door and crept up behind us,it was such a joy to see you both and we really enjoyed the time we had together.Darren we are truly blessed to have you as our son in law and Micah is blessed with having youas his Dad and Best friend for life.We love you both very much and look forward in seeing you in March. June & Gerry